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This defines the proposed SCIM interface to be provided by IGA implementations in the Norwegian higher education sector. The main use case for this API is to provide for IntArk-style provisioning of user accounts.

A functional mock-up of this API is available from UiBs API Gateway.

The standard paths of SCIM are /Users, /Users/{id}, /Groups and /Groups/{id}. We only care for the user endpoints for now.

Persons vs Accounts

SCIM is basically designed as a REST-style replacement for LDAP. As such it has the same ambiguity on what the User objects represents — are they people or are they accounts that belong to people (and other entities).

In this context we declare them to be accounts and we suggest that we might extend our SCIM implementation with Person objects later. In this model a person might be the owner of multiple accounts. We also consider one of these accounts as this person's primary account. The User objects of the primary account will have a mix of attributes describing the account and attributes describing the person.

We might also have accounts that don't belong to any person. This might be accounts representing devices, applications or other systems.

Minimal implementation requirements

This section defines what the lazy implementer might get away with.

  • Implement /Users with ability to page through the available accounts. An implementation might choose to just expose the Feide-enabled accounts.
  • Implement /Users/{id} fetch data for the specified account.
  • Implement /Users?filter=userName eq "..." to make it possible to look up a specific account.
  • Implement /Users?userName=... as a more convenient non-standard version of the same.
  • Make /Groups functional, but it's fine for it to just return the empty ListResponse.
  • Post MQ message when a user object is created, modified or deleted.

The following fields should minimally be provided on user objects.

  • .id
  • .meta
  • .userName
  • .active
  • .displayName
  • .name.formatted
  • .name.givenName
  • .name.familyName
  • .emails[].type == "work" with a corresponding .value
  • .no:edu:scim:user.accountType
  • .no:edu:scim:user.employeeNumber
  • .no:edu:scim:user.eduPersonPrincipalName
  • .no:edu:scim:user.userPrincipalName


Updates to the objects exposed in this API is signaled by events to the IntArk MQ and follows the proposed SCIM Event Extension structure. Since IntArk prefers shallow messages, we don't include the .values attribute.

These events are encoded in JSON and looks like this:

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:notify:2.0:Event"],
"resourceUris": [
"attributes": ["emails", "name.givenName", "no:edu:scim:user:userPrincipalName"]

Example topic for the message is "no.uib.iga.scim.user.modify".

This section expands on the minimal requirements and define some features that might be useful and that we prefer all implementations to consider.

  • Implement /Users?employeeNumber=...
  • Implement /Users?studentNumber=...
  • Implement /Users?fsPersonNumber=...
  • Implement /Users?norEduPersonNIN=...
  • Implement functional /Groups and /Groups/{id} that expose the same groups available from LDAP/AD.
  • More attributes on user objects, especially .phoneNumbers and .enterprise.manager.
  • Search for users by name and other attributes.
  • Implement /Persons and /Persons/{id} endpoints. A schema for person objects is yet to be defined.

Field name specification

User .id

This should preferably be UUID-style string, but the service is free to use other formats, like letting the .userName be the .id. It should be possible to request the JSON object representing this user with an URL-path of /Users/{id} where the {id} is replaced by the value of this field.

User .meta

Standard SCIM meta information on this object.

User .userName

The format of the username value should be {local-username}@{fqdn}. SCIM allows bare usernames, as well as usernames qualified with a domain. For consistency we always return fully qualified names.

This attribute is unique; no other User object will have the same .userName.

The {local-username} part must fully match the regexp pattern /[a-z][a-z0-9]{0,11}/ and the full name will only contain lower case letters.

Example value:

User .displayName

For the primary account this is the same as .name.formatted. For other accounts this can be any string that is suitable for explaining the purpose of this account.

User .name

This is the name of the owner of this account. This attribute is mandatory for primary accounts. Example value:

"formatted": "Gisle Aas",
"familyName": "Aas",
"givenName": "Gisle"

These attributes should be latinified versions of the name of the person. If different, the original native name of the person can be represented by the non-standard attributes nativeFormatted, nativeFamilyName, nativeGivenName.

User .active

Boolean value which is set to false for accounts that should be disabled. Users should not be able to login using this account. Any active session using this account should also be terminated.

User .externalId

The identifier of the person that owns this account. It is preferable that /Persons/{externalId} fetches information on the person. For UH-IAM this field will be the UH-ID (a person oriented UUID value).

User .emails

The email addresses associated with this account. The email addresses are tagged with a type field. The tag "work" is used for the main email address, even for students.

Example value:

{ "type": "work", "value": "" },
{ "type": "internal", "value": "" },
{ "type": "vanity", "value": "" }

User .phoneNumbers

The public phone numbers associated with this account. The phone numbers are tagged with a type field. The tag "work" used for preferred contact option. The tag "mobile" can be used when the mobile phone is not the preferred option. The tag "secure" is a phone suitable for use as 2nd-factor verification (via SMS).

The phone numbers themselves are represented in the full international format prefixed with "+" and without internal spaces or dashes.

Example value:

{ "type": "work", "value": "+4793241450" },
{ "type": "secure", "value": "+4793241450" },
{ "type": "mobile", "value": "+4793241450" }

User .profileUrl

URL of the university home page for the owner of this account.

User .entitlements

List of strings representing entitlements for this account. Not sure if we should use this for anything.

User .roles

List of business roles associated with this user. Apply the tags "staff", "guest" or "student" when appropriate. This list of roles might be extended later. Universities can introduce private roles by prefixing them with their reverse domain name, e.g. "no.uib.breiflabb".

User .no:edu:scim:user

This attribute contains the object where we extend the user object with fields specific to Norwegian UH domain. The string is also the name of a schema and should be found in the .schemas attribute as well.

User .no:edu:scim:user.accountType

Describe what kind of account this is. The value is "primary" for the primary account of a person. Each person can only have a single primary account.

The value is "admin" for accounts to be used for privileged access and other administrative puposes.

The value is "test" for accounts that is used for testing only.

The value is "rpa" for accounts used by automation scripts.

User .no:edu:scim:user.employeeNumber

This is the DFØ ID for the employee that owns this account. Only present for primary accounts.

User .no:edu:scim:user.studentNumber

This is the student number for the person that owns this account. Only present for primary accounts.

User .no:edu:scim:user.fsPersonNumber

This is the FS ID (personløpenummer) for the person that owns this account. This field can only be present for primary accounts.

User .no:edu:scim:user.norEduPersonNIN

This is the Norwegian "fødselsnummer" for the person that owns this account. The identifier can be a real NIN, a D-number og S-number. This field can only be present for primary accounts.

This attribute value is somewhat confidential and should only be passed to clients with special reasons to require this.

User .no:edu:scim:user.eduPersonPrincipalName

The Feide-ID of this user account is specified in this field. This field is absent for accounts not available through Feide.

It will have the same value as the eduPersonPrincipalName attribute in LDAP and specified norEdu*.

Example value:

User .no:edu:scim:user.userPrincipalName

This is the login name for Microsoft login. This is the same attribute as userPrincipalName in AD and Azure AD.

It would be a good idea for this value to be the same as .eduPersonPrincipalName but UiB has unfortunately diverged.

Example value:

User .enterprise

This is the standard SCIM enterprise extension object. The real full name of this attribute is urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User but we shortened references to it in this description to .enterprise. The wire protocol will use the full name.

Implementations are not required to provide this extension.

User .enterprise.employeeNumber

This is the DFØ ID for the employee that owns this account. If both are present, this should have the same value as .no:edu:scim:user.employeeNumber.

User .enterprise.costCenter

This is the account number used for expenses related to the owner of this account. Not sure if this is useful.

User .enterprise.organization

The Norwegian name of the organisation that the owner of this account belongs to. For staff and students this will be the name of the school. For guest this might be the name of the organisation they come from.

User .enterprise.division

The Norwegian name of primary faculty that the owner of this account belongs to.

User .enterprise.departement

The Norwegian name of primary institute that the owner of this account belongs to.

User .enterprise.manager

For primary accounts, this is set to reference the primary user account of the manager of the person that owns this account. All non-primary accounts should set this to reference the primary account of their owner.

Additional information on the manager can be obtained from /Users/{}. The .enterprise.manager.displayName is just a copy of the .displayName of the manager account itself.

Example value:

"id": "452ff2749bfb11eabbd5600308a4105a",
"displayName": "Nina Kaurel"